Pacelab users and aerospace industry leaders from around the world gather every year in Berlin for two insightful days of presentations and networking opportunities at PACEdays. It's a great chance to make connections and spend time among like-minded, passionate, and innovative aviation professionals.
As you may have already heard via the PACE newsletter, PACEdays 2023 will be held on 3-4 May at the Maritim Hotel in Berlin. Official registration will begin soon, so save the date on your calendars today!
As usual, we will invite guest speakers and Pacelab users to discuss key topics in the fields of Aircraft Preliminary Design, Aircraft Product Configuration, Route Analysis, Flight Operations, and Extended Reality.
At PACEdays 2022, we welcomed keynote speakers from The Boeing Company, Lilium, Inmarsat and Luftronix. Breakout sessions featured presentations from AR Engineering, SAAB, Varjo, Unity, and more! You can review previous conferences at the PACEdays home page.
Additionally, we are very excited that PACEdays 2023 will also feature the PACE Future Innovators Awards ceremony, in which one of three finalist teams in our student aircraft preliminary design competition will be chosen as the winner of the first ever PACE Future Innovators Award in aircraft preliminary design. We're looking forward to see their designs!

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