We proudly announce the 2nd annual PACE Future Innovators Awards

We proudly announce the 2nd annual PACE Future Innovators Awards organized in collaboration with EUROAVIA, the European Association of Aerospace Students! This year's competition promises to be truly transformative as we immerse ourselves in the captivating realm of Extended Reality. This competition gives student teams from universities worldwide the chance to publish and present their work in front of the biggest names in aerospace and aviation.
Each participating team will receive a full-featured version of the PACELAB WEAVR software suite, a PACE proprietary platform designed to create, manage, and play XR content experiences with no prior coding skills required and scale seamlessly. It's a tool trusted by the world's leading sector players.
Mark your calendars! Applications for the PACE Future Innovators Awards in eXtended Reality Training in Aviation open on the 16th of October.
Read about the contest regulations, prizes, and topic here: PACE contest regulation
***Application period ends November 6th - Apply here!***